Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Hills have eyes

Was out yesterday night to spend some quility time alone. I was going to watch the movie The Hills have eyes as I like scary movies very much. Later met someone I know (friend Alexa's flatmate) and made me promise to come have a drink after the movie.
It was about 00:30 when the movie came out. At that time the students were so drunk. It's so funny! Theres a staircase in The Rat and Parrot and the stairs are quite dificult to climb. Especialy when you are drunk... One girl threw up from the top of the stairs, falling, sliding down all the way from the top to the bottom and just lied there. It was so funny. Even when you hear their head bump with each time it hits a stair. Think this must become my new hobby now - watching drunk people...

About the movie
I realised that its better to stay at home when watching a horror. It just turns into a comedy when watching at the theatre. I never get scared at gruesome stuff, they just spoil everything. But when other people goes "urgh" and "bluh" in the movies and screams like hell, I just start to laugh. Next time I will stay at home, download the movie and have friends over. Much better than having popcorn thrown on your lap and sticky floors.

The story writes:

It was Wes Craven's second film, shot on 16mm for a little more than $US300,000.
It was basically a rip-off of Tobe Hooper's Texas Chainsaw Massacre,
but it had great tension and a theme, buried beneath effectively disgusting blood-letting.
I am still trying to figure out the depth of the story, but it sure is worth a watch!